David Videcette

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New Year's Resolution?

It's that time of year when everyone is talking about making New Year resolutions.  The things we know we should be doing, but aren't.

Around half of us will actually make one, but much less will stick to it.

Come March, it’s said just a couple of people out of a hundred have managed to keep their promise.

Goodbye 2016

Did I keep last year’s resolutions? Well, one of them was to get physically fitter. As I spend more time writing, I find myself eating and drinking more than I should, while sitting at a desk.  

So, I joined a posh gym, with a lovely café-restaurant attached.

The best part was the jacuzzi; which is where I spent most of my time. 'Going to the gym' actually turned into 'going to the nice jacuzzi, chatting with the yummy mummies in the jacuzzi about thrillers, and eating in a nice restaurant.' So as much as I enjoyed it, I've knocked that particular gym on the head and joined another one, to try and 'go to the gym' properly.

Not enough days in the year

The main reason I had to abandon my first gym was because my second resolution was not kept. This was to release the sequel to The Theseus Paradox before the end of the year.

Time just got away from me and there weren’t enough days left in the year to achieve it.

2017 will see me redouble my efforts - working harder in the gym (not the jacuzzi) and putting the finishing touches to The Detriment for publication spring 2017.

And I have begun the third book, which is looking very exciting. And that's also another resolution, to focus on - getting that completed and ready for release in 2018! 

In many ways, writing a book is rather like conceiving a child. The birth may feel difficult but is often the easy part! What follows are the sleepless nights and the tears when the book isn't doing what it's supposed to do.

Much like being a new parent, you quickly realise as a new author, the hard work has only just begun.

As 2016 draws to a close, I want to say a big thank you to all the truly inspirational and amazing people I've met over this past year, as I've struggled with my new born - doubtless to say, without whom I might have given up.

The book bloggers who write thoughtful reviews and are hardcore enough to travel to events. You know who you are.

The many readers who encourage me and kick me up the arse to tell me to get on with things; or who recommend my books to friends and family. You know who you are.

The book clubs and their admins that have supported me, and who have allowed me to meet many other new parents in the same boat. You know who you are.

And there are also the many authors who I look up to, and whose lead I try to follow, always giving their time to provide advice and support. You know who you are.

The kindness of the book family

It’s like having many kindly aunts and uncles that help you in the early days of being a parent; pushing you in the right direction when you are covered in puke and poo and really want to give up. 

So, thank you. 2016 has been an amazing year full of new experiences for me.

Here's to new beginnings, to staying OUT of the jacuzzi, and IN the gym during 2017!  

Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!



David Videcette is a Scotland Yard detective turned author who writes thrillers based on true events.

Find out more about his books by clicking here.

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